Carson Mascot & Colors
Notice that this BLOG site is color free just like Carson. We currently don't have school colors identified.
At our last Carson site meeting John Ovitt asked that we begin to identify the colors that will go into the gym. There is a tradition at many schools that the colors in the gym are the school colors. It would be great if we could also tie these colors to the mascot. We have been given a rather short timeline for this to occur; by third week of September. So I have outlined a process that I think will work. I am sending an email out to the Lead Team with the flyer that we will send out (pending whatever changes need to be made). The front of the flyer includes the opportunity for students to give their ideas and the back outlines the process. I am looking forward to feedback on both sides of the flyer. If you would like to be part of this process before it is shared with the Lead Team please let me know.
At our last Carson site meeting John Ovitt asked that we begin to identify the colors that will go into the gym. There is a tradition at many schools that the colors in the gym are the school colors. It would be great if we could also tie these colors to the mascot. We have been given a rather short timeline for this to occur; by third week of September. So I have outlined a process that I think will work. I am sending an email out to the Lead Team with the flyer that we will send out (pending whatever changes need to be made). The front of the flyer includes the opportunity for students to give their ideas and the back outlines the process. I am looking forward to feedback on both sides of the flyer. If you would like to be part of this process before it is shared with the Lead Team please let me know.