Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And the results are....

Coyotes 483
Cardinals 233
Rainiers 209
Comets 195
Pioneers 102

Color Combinations
Red & Gray 283
Maroon & Gray 275
Navy Blue & Yellow 262
Green & White 245
Purple & Orange 107

Total numbers for mascot and colors aren't equal due to some students not making a choice in both categories or their vote not being added due to marking more than one choice within a category.

Reminders: We are looking at the top three. It doesn't mean that the highest one will be chosen. I am a little hesitant to publish numbers at this point. The colors are pretty close and I will run them through the architects. Please comment on what you would like to do:

Twelve other schools have a color combination variation of blue and either white or gold
Two secondary schools have crimson/gray combinations
Two elementary schools have red/white combinations

Mascot: we can go with the Coyotes knowing they are so far up in the lead, or we can present them to ESC simply as the top three and listed in the order of preference. Thoughts?
Colors: The numbers for the top three are so close. I am leaning toward simply referring to the architect's recommendation of Maroon/Burgundy and Gray. Thoughts?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mascot Update
The team met and we whittled the list down to five. Some considerations that went into the decisionmaking included:
  • Not having a repeat mascot from the current schools from both the elementary and secondary level
  • The number of votes were taken into consideration but it was not the overall determining factor
  • The final color combination will be determined by the selected mascot. The committee identified the possible color combinations with each mascot. Below is a listing of the mascot with possible color combinations.

Brouillet, Firgrove and Zeiger will have an official voting day this Monday morning. I will pick up the ballots sometime this afternoon. The results will be tabulated. As a Lead Team member your input is appreciated. This is regardless if you were part of the sub-committee or not. I am planning on sharing the results with Lynne Rosellini and Jay Reifel. Unless something pops up unexpectedly, a decision will be made based on the ballot results, Lead Team feedback, and conversation with ESC staff listed above. I will post the ballot results this afternoon.

I also hope to share the final decision with everyone tomorrow.

Mascot:Color Combinations

Cardinals: Red & Gray, Burgundy & Gray

Comets: Red & Gray, Burgundy & Gray, Navy Blue & Yellow, Purple & Orange

Coyotes: Green & White, Red & Gray, Burgundy & Gray

Pioneers: (any color combination)

Rainiers: Green & White, Navy Blue & Yellow

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mascot & School Colors
Team Members: Cherie, Amber, Miles, Barbara, Debby, Arturo
Meeting information: Wednesday, September 20th; ESC Evergreen Room, 3:45-5:45 PM
Some things for you to consider before our meeting include:
  • Do we want to have a mascot that another building already has (elementary, JH, HS)?
  • Will numbers, reasons, etc. be a weighted factor; if so, what would it look like?
  • How interested are we in matching the color to the mascot since it may not necessarily compliment the rest of the building's colors

It is Monday so there may be another person joining us at the meeting.